Rabu, 28 Maret 2012

Curhat Dulu

Cinta ataukah Hanya sekedar suka?

Aku tak tahu??? Perasaan apa ini? Beneran cinta atau hanya mengaguminya?

Dimana Aku Mencari Jawaban Tersebut? Sungguh Aku tidak tahu harus menjawab apa.

Dimanakah haTI ini berlabuh?? sungguh sulit diungkap dengan kata-kata. Bahkan terkadang Aku masih meragukan eCintaku Kepadanya.

Berkali-kali ku mencari jawaban tersebut hanya untuk mengetahui seberapa besar perasaan ini?? Anehnya, Aku masih sulit menemukan jawaban tersebut. Terkadang, menatapnya pun Aku tak sanggup. Tetapi, terkadang biasa-biasa saja terhadapnya. Terkesan cuek dan acuh tak acuh. Itulah Aku yang sesungguhnya. BODOHKAH AKU??? SALAHKAH AKU?? Mengapa Sifat ku bisa seperti itu.Cinta.... Dimana kah engkau??? cukup jauh Aku mencarimu, berharap engkau datang untuk menjemputku? Menjalin kehidupan bersama di bawah indahnya cinta yang merupakan Anugerah terindah setiap Insan Manusia. Aku ingin sekali... ingin sekali, engkau datang. Cepatlah datang supaya hati ini tidak bersusah hati. Seberapa Jauh kah kamu sayang? Apakah tanpa disadari kamu telah berada di depanku atau di sampingku ataukah di belakangku? Tolong katakan dimana posisi dirimu sekarang? Biar aku bisa menjemput jodoh ku yang mungkin malu-malu untuk mengatakannya padaku.
Sesungguhnya, Aku tahu di balik bayangan dirimu tersimpan sesuatu yang ingin aku telusuri. Dimana rumahmu, ortumu, adik, kakak, dan teman akrabmu pun aku  ingin tahu seluk beluk yang lebih mendalam lagi. Namun, apa boleh dibuat??? Itu hanya impian ku belaka.

Tolong Jawab Aku... jawab pertanyaan ku yang sangat janggal di hati ku. Apakah Aku mencintaimu atau menyukaimu?

Ya benar... kedua-duanya betul. 

Setelah sekian lama ku ungkapkan hatiku ini, akhir kata. 



Senin, 26 Maret 2012

Research Project

1. Research  /rɪˈsəːtʃ, ˈriːsəːtʃ/
[mass noun] (also researches)
  • A careful study of a subject,  especially in order to discover new facts or information about it: medical/ economic/ historical/ scientific research to do/ conduct/ undertake research.
·         to study something carefully and try to discover new facts. (Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, 2000, pp. 1130)
2. Quantitative research
Creswell said that the quantitative is termed the traditional, the positivist, the experimental, or the empiricist paradigm. Quantitative study consistent with the quantitative paradigm, is an inquiry into a social or human problem, based on testing a theory composed of a variables, measured with numbers, and analyzed with statistical procedures, in order to determine whether the predictive generalizations of the theory hold true. (Cresswell, 1994, 2-10).
3. Qualitative Research
Research studies that investigate the quality of relationships activities, situations, or materials are frequently (Fraenkel & Wallen [1990]: 36).

4. Reliability

noun \ri-ˌlī-ə-ˈbi-lə-tē\
Reliability is the extent to which an experiment, test, or any measuring procedure yields the same result on repeated trials. Without the agreement of independent observers able to replicate research procedures, or the ability to use research tools and procedures that yield consistent measurements, researchers would be unable to satisfactorily draw conclusions, formulate theories, or make claims about the generalizability of their research. In addition to its important role in research, reliability is critical for many parts of our lives. (from: http://writing.colostate.edu/guides/research/relval/pop2a.cfm)
5. Validity
noun [U]
1.      The state of being legally officially acceptable: The period of validity of the agreement has expired.
2.      The state of being logical and true: We had doubts about the validity of their argument. (Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, 2000, pp. 1130)
6. Action Research
            A form of research which is becoming increasingly significant in language education is action research. This research has been defined in a number of different ways.
            Cohen and manion (1985) offer a characteristics. They argue that action research is first and foremost situational, being concerned with the identification and solution of problem in specific context. They also identify collaboration as an important feature of this type of research and the aim of action research is to improve the current state of affairs within the educational context in which the research is being caarried out. (David Nunan, [1992]: 17)

7. Hypothesis
An hypothesis is a specific statement of prediction. It describes in concrete (rather than theoretical) terms what you expect will happen in your study. Not all studies have hypotheses. Sometimes a study is designed to be). There is no formal hypothesis, and perhaps the purpose of the study is to explore some area more thoroughly in order to develop some specific hypothesis or prediction that can be tested in future research. A single study may have one or many hypotheses. ( From: http://www.socialresearchmethods.net/kb/hypothes.php)
8. Quantitative data
Are obtained when the variable being studied is measured along a scale that indicates “how much” of the variable present. Quantitave data are reported in terms of scores. (Fraenkel & Wallen [1990]: 143-144).
9. Qualitative data
Are collected in the form of words or pictures rather than numbers. The kinds of data collective in qualitative research include interview transcripts, field notes, photograph, audio recording, video tapes, diaries, personal comment, memos, official record and anything else, that can convey the actual words or actions of people. To a qualitative reseacher, no data are trivial or unworthy of notice. (Fraenkel & Wallen [1990]: 368).
10. Interpretive Analysis
An interpretive analysis is just that: a document that takes apart and explains what another author wrote. To interpret something is to put it in words that the reader can better understand. To analyze is to examine the parts of a work with the goal of determining the nature of the whole. Interpretive analysis can help discover deeper meanings within a written or artistic work. Follow these steps to write an interpretive analysis.(from: http://www.ehow.com/how_2084917_write-interpretive-analysis.html)

Cresswell, John W, 1994, Research Design Qualitative & Quantitative Approaches, California: SAGE Publications, Inc.
Fraenkel, Jack & Norman E. Wallen, 1990, How to Design and Evaluate Research In Education. USA: Mc Graw Hill Inc.
Hornby, AS, 2000, OXFORD ADVANCED LEARNER’S DICTIONARY, New York: Oxford University Press.
__________,“Reliability”,http://writing.colostate.edu/guides/research/relval/pop2a.cfm, accessed on 21 March 2012.
William, “Hypotheses”, 2006, Http://www.socialresearchmethods.net/kb/hypothes.php, accessed on 21 March 2012.
__________,“How to Write an Interpretive Analysis, 2006, Http://www.ehow.com/how_2084917_write-interpretive-analysis.html, accessed on 21 March 2012.